Help Center
Precious Metals Manager app requires iOS 16 or greater. We are no longer supporting iOS 15. Please update to the latest iOS version to continue receiving updates and support.
Getting Started
- 🔗 Quick Start
- 🔗 Create a bullion preset
- 🔗 Create an item
- 🔗 Create an order
- 🔗 Create a sale
- 🔗 Modify/delete bullion preset
- 🔗 Modify/delete item
- 🔗 Modify/delete order
- 🔗 Modify/delete sale
- 🔗 Navigate inventory
- 🔗 Summary
Backup & Restore
- 🔗 Backup to CSV
- 🔗 Backup to JSON
- 🔗 Restore from JSON
Other Features
- 🔗 Change the Main Currency
- 🔗 Enable App Lock
- 🔗 Gold to Silver Ratio
- 🔗 Live Offer Prices
- 🔗 Live Spot Prices
- 🔗 Metal vs. Crypto - Performance Over Time
- 🔗 Metal vs. Crypto - Rolling Correlation
- 🔗 Premium Calculator