Create a bullion preset

The concept of “Bullion” in Precious Metals Manager represents either a coin, bar or round.

1) Tap on the Catalog tab.

2) Select metal (Gold, Silver, Patinum, or Palladium) and form factor (Coin, Bar, or Round).

3) Tap on the “+” button to open up the page to create a bullion preset.

Catalog screen

Alternatively, you can create a bullion preset while creating an item. The metal and form factor are selected during the item creation process.

Create item screen

4) The input screen for registering a new bullion consists of:

  • Name (Optional)
  • Mint (Optional)
  • Purity (aka fineness): it represents the karat as a ratio.
  • Wear (Optional): percentage of loss due to circulation. It’s commonly used for junk silver.
  • Metal Content: weight exluding alloy in troy ounces or grams.

Creating an item without selecting a bullion preset automatically creates a bullion using the item’s attributes.

Create bullion screen

5) Tap on “Save” to register the bullion.

6) Review your bullion presets.

Once you have saved a bullion, you can selected as a preset when you create a new item and review it from the “Catalog” tab.